The Future of Hot Topics

New Journey - 2013



Hello all bloggers!! I’ve had multiple opinions thrown at me due to my post placed on Facebook. So I wanted to tell a little of what I know! I’ve been researching the health and wellness field for about 4 years now and have gained a variety of information covering the worst and the most efficient way a male and a female should train their bodies to lose body fat and gain muscle to become more fit and feel good about the body they have for the rest of their lives.

I’ve tried it all, sprinting, biking, jogging, swimming, interval training, strength resistance training, yoga, pilates, zumba, cycling class, boot camps, etc. I’ve been a little and a lot over weight throughout most of my years. About a year ago I decided I was tired of looking and feeling unattractive and done with having a low self esteem and being depressed all the time. I wanted to find the science behind our bodies and figure out why I kept gaining my weight back.

I recently graduated with a background degree in exercise science and nutrition combined, which didn’t teach me anything really about my favorite workout regimen now, which is resistance strength training!! I have learned this by working as a personal trainer/nutrition consultant at “My” Personal one-on-one Trainer. They have saved my health life! I’ve seen my body fat percentage decrease tremendously and my muscle gains improve dramatically! I’ve been doing this regimen with the nautilus machines for about a year now and this has been the greatest change for my body along with signing up as a consultant for the best ingredients through the Arbonne nutritional program!!

Back to the resistance training, these machines I have used are full range of motion/full body muscle groups and are made to move specifically around your joints to support the muscle you are working and to keep you from hurting yourself while breaking down the muscle to make it stronger… A lesson I learned that I used to not know is that, recovery happens on your rest days… That is why it’s so very important to give your body rest so you don’t overtrain! These machines even come with seat belts and have been around for ages and just keep progressing!! Yes, for my personal goals this works best for me because I want to lose fat off my body and gain muscle to maintain my weight and so I have more energy, more flexibility, and strength!

Well, this type of workout will do exactly just what you’ve been reading about and I have personal real results to testify! I’ve lost 18 lbs since a year ago! I don’t have much more to lose but since I’ve been married its been quite a challenge to lose just because i’m so happy lol!! But, I have maintained my weight because of all my muscle gain over the past year! I am currently working on my 5-10 lbs. to go with the help of my two favorite things ever, strength training and arbonne! I feel better and look better than ever. Thank The Lord for research and knowledgable co-workers and bosses who have helped me gain the safest and correct information which has transformed my beliefs on creating a healthier body image and nutrition routine!!

Anyways, another rant… most girls think they will “bulk” up when strength training, that rumor is falso!! Females, you only have so much testosterone in your body to produce a certain amount of muscle mass… Same with men too! That’s why some men are much smaller than others yet strength train like crazy! Strength training keeps us all from looking big and bulky, instead we look lean and fit! Females gotta have some fat to carry around a fetus at some point in our life… Next time you’re at the gym take a look around, most of the people on the treadmill will be overweight and the ones weight training will be lean and full of muscle, just watch out for the meat heads who over do it!! 😉 Hopefully you all know now that can’t be healthy and maybe we can reach out to them too!

I just wanted to share my personal story because I see everyone going for the latest fad or “quick fix” to lose fat… You’re losing muscle first of all and keeping all the fat stored on your body, so when you do eventually stop taking the magic pill or diet program you gain all of that and some more fat back, because your body went into starvation mode during that time of what you thought was healthy for you… Changing your lifestyle for the better and adding in resistance training to add muscle & to prevent body fat gain is all about patience and preventing injury by knowing the science behind all of it!!! If you don’t know what works for you, I would love to help consult your needs!

Thanks for reading my health&wellness topic for the day! Please leave comments, questions, I would love to read them & chat! 🙂 Have a wonderful night!

God Bless You All

“You don’t have to be an expert to try something new.”


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